How to Support us

A World of Opportunities

There are so many ways you can get involved and support our mission!

When you share our website link and social media posts, you support us.

When you talk to your friends about the amazing work we do, you support us.

When you take time out of your day to pray for us and our work, you support us.

YOU are important to our mission and YOU make a difference.

Continue reading to learn more about how YOU can be involved today.

 Make a Donation

Donating is one of the biggest ways to support our work!

Your financial donation makes way for us to continue supporting children and families.

Our needs are many, such as a new property, that would allow us to effectively house more children.

We NEED you to partner with us and help save lives, one child at a time.



Become a Monthly Partner

When you become a Financial Partner, you enable us to continue to do the work we do and do it more efficiently.

This work is so needed and important in the world we live in.                                      Families need support.                              Children need help.                                        They are crying out for help.                      It's up to us to rise up and do the work God has called us to.                                      If you see the need and want to help meet it, consider becoming a consistent donor and help us, help them.

Become House Parents

House parents serve our children by creating a safe, loving environment for them to stay "For a moment or for a lifetime". This is a beautiful calling for those who have a heart to help vulnerable children. You would not only provide a safe place for children, but a place for them to truly belong.                    House parents have an amazing opportunity to change the lives of these children by showering them with love and being a beckon of hope in their worlds that have experienced such heartbreak. If you feel called to do this work, don't shy away from that feeling. pray-fully consider if God is calling you to care for children in the most vulnerable times in their lives and be the light in their darkness.


We need volunteers to help us at our events and fundraisers!

Whether you volunteer once or consistently, your help is appreciated!

Follow our Social Media pages to stay updated about our upcoming events and how YOU can be involved!







Work on Campus

Opportunities coming soon.